Passion flower Valentines flowers
Our passion for flowers is never more evident than on Valentine's Day. We know what it is like to receive flowers that our loved ones have taken great care (and expense) at choosing, so we take great care to select only the best rose that will not disappoint!!
This year we have selected the ‘Red Naomi’ rose, famed for its full bodied beauty that becomes even more gorgeous as it blooms (just like someone you know perhaps?)
But roses aren't for everyone and for those who like to ‘think out of the box’, we will have a gorgeous selection of beautifully crafted spring bouquets, full of scent and the promise of good times to come!!
We also have a fabulous selection of unusual cards that you will want to treasure for ever as well as tasty handmade chocolates to stimulate yet another of your senses!!!!
So without delay, visit our store or call to place your order today for guaranteed availability and delivery for Friday February 14th!!!